
Soybeans rise in Chicago on Wednesday, following further gains in oil and grains

Soybean prices rose again on the Chicago Stock Exchange on Wednesday morning (19), as did soybean oil futures, which continued the intense gains of the previous session. On Tuesday (18), the derivatives market closed almost 3% up, following decisions in the US by the Energy Policy Council. 

As a result, at around 7:50 a.m. (Brasília time), prices were up between 3.25 and 4.25 points, with May worth US$ 10.59 and July US$ 10.74 per bushel. In oil, the May contract - the most traded right now - was quoted at 48.37 per pound.

The market is closely following the movement of derivatives, as well as neighboring markets - with corn and wheat also rising on Wednesday - but still keeping an eye on the weather in South America, Brazilian shipments - still delayed by the late harvest - the behavior of the dollar and, of course, the tensions imposed by the new phase of the trade war with Trump's tariffs.

Source: Notícias Agrícolas