
Soy/Cepea: Harvest intensifies and liquidity increases in Brazil

The soybean harvest has been intensifying in Brazil, which has increased liquidity in the spot market. Even so, Cepea researchers indicate that some consumers are avoiding buying large volumes in the expectation of lower prices next month, given the possible record national harvest. In Argentina and Paraguay, meanwhile, Cepea researchers report that the progress of the harvest is beginning to show a lower production than that indicated so far. In fact, global soybean production for the 2024/25 harvest was negatively revised by the USDA this month (down 0.8% on the previous report, to 420.76 million tons), mainly due to the impact of the water deficit in Argentina and Paraguay, which damaged the development of part of the oilseed crops in these countries.

Source: Notícias Agrícolas