Terms of Use
Terms and conditions of use of the Portal and Platform PHI - Big Data Center
Welcome to PHI. Please read carefully all the terms below.
This document and all the digital content of our products (portal and platform) is offered by PHI Global Market SA, herein referred to as "COMPANY", which regulates all rights and obligations with users who access areas of our systems, herein referred to as "VISITOR". Subject to all rights provided by law, we hereby establish the clauses below as a requirement for accessing and visiting the Big Data Center Portal and Platform, located at www.phigold.global.
Staying in our digital domains automatically implies the reading and tacit acceptance of the following "Terms of Use". This term was last updated on December 30, 2022.
1. The function of the Portal and Platform PHI - Big Data Center
The portal and platform were created and developed with the function of providing high quality informative content, proposals for the purchase and sale of commodities by means of a restricted area of the system, and the disclosure of products in the segment. The COMPANY seeks through the creation of high quality content, developed by professionals in the area, to offer the knowledge and availability of its own or third party products to the reach of suppliers and buyers, as well as the promotion of its own services.
The portal and platform can be used to disseminate high-quality original material as well as products. The platform does not operate in direct marketing, acting as an authorized digital intermediary for users who use it to disseminate their offers to buy and sell.All content on the portal and platform were developed seeking sources and materials of reliability, and are based on serious and respected content on the market. This content is updated periodically, however, it may contain in some file, article, video or image, some information that does not reflect the current truth, and the COMPANY cannot be held responsible in any way or means for any content that is not properly updated. It is the responsibility of the user to use the information present in the areas with critical sense, only as a source of information and always seeking experts in the area for the concrete solution of their conflict.
2. Acceptance of the Terms
The expression "Terms of Use" specifies and requires that every user, when accessing the digital areas of the COMPANY, reads and understands all the clauses of the same, since it establishes between the COMPANY and the VISITOR, rights and obligations between both parties, accepted expressly by the VISITOR to remain navigating in the portal and platform of the COMPANY.
When continuing accessing the portal and platform areas, the VISITOR expresses that he/she accepts and understands all the clauses, as well as agrees integrally with each one of them, being this acceptance indispensable for the permanence in the same. In case the VISITOR disagrees with any clause or term of this contract, the same shall immediately interrupt its navigation in all ways and means. This term can and will be periodically updated by the COMPANY, which reserves the right to change it, without any previous notice or communication. It is important that the VISITOR always check if there has been any movement and which was the last update.
3. Glossary
This term may contain some specific words that may not be generally known. Among them:
- Visitor: Any and all users, of any form and means, who access through computer, notebook, tablet, cell phone or any other means, the platform.
- Navigation: The act of visiting pages and content.
- Cookies: Small text files automatically generated and transmitted to the visitor's browser, which serve to improve usability.
- Login: The visitor's access data when registering with the COMPANY, divided between user and password, which gives access to restricted functions.
- Hyperlinks: These are clickable links that may appear in the contents, which lead to another page of the COMPANY or external area.
- Offline: When the portal or platform is unavailable and cannot be accessed externally by any user.
In case of doubts about any word used in this term, the VISITOR should contact the COMPANY through the communication channels available in the portal.
4. Access to the Portal and Platform
The portal and platform normally operate 24 (twenty-four) hours a day, however minor interruptions may occur on a temporary basis for adjustments, maintenance, change of servers, technical failures or by order of force majeure, which may leave the areas unavailable for a limited time. The COMPANY is not responsible for any loss of opportunity or damage that this temporary unavailability may generate to users. In case of maintenance that require a longer time, the COMPANY will inform customers in advance of the need and the estimated time that the portal or platform will be offline. Access to the portal and platform is only allowed to persons over 18 years of age or who possess full civil capacity. For minors, the express authorization of their parents or guardians is required, and the same will be responsible for any access made by them.
All data is protected according to the General Law of Data Protection, and when registering with the portal and platform, the VISITOR fully agrees with the collection of data according to the Law and with the COMPANY's Privacy Policy.
5. License to use and copy
The visitor can access all the available content in the portal, such as information, videos, images, products and services, not meaning any type of cession of right or permission of use, or copy of the same. All rights are preserved, according to the legislation, especially the Copyright Law (regulated by Law No. 9.610/18), as well as the Civil Code (regulated by Law No. 10.406/02), or any other applicable legislation. All content of the portal and Big Data Center platform is protected by copyright, and its use, copy, transmission, sale, assignment or resale, must follow the law, with the COMPANY having all rights reserved and not allowing the copy or use in any form and medium, without express written authorization from the same.The COMPANY may in specific cases allow specific exceptions to this right, which will be clearly highlighted in the same, with the form and permission of use of the protected content. This right is revocable and limited to the specifications of each case.
6. Obligations
The VISITOR when using the Portal and the COMPANY Platform, fully agrees to:
- In no way or means perform any type of action that attempts to invade, hack, destroy or harm the structure of the portal and platform of the COMPANY or its commercial partners. Including, but not limited to, the sending of computer viruses, DDOS attacks, improper access by failure of the same or any other form and means.
- Of not performing undue disclosure in the comments of the content of SPAM, competitor companies, viruses, content that does not have copyrights or any others that are not pertinent to the treatment of that content, video or image.
- The prohibition to reproduce any content of the portal or platform without express authorization, and may respond civilly and criminally for the same.
- With the Privacy Policy of the COMPANY, as well as treat the data relating to registration and visit the portal and platform, and may at any time and form, require the exclusion of the same, through the contact form.
7. General Terms
Both the portal and the platform will present hyperlinks throughout your navigation, which may lead directly to another page of the COMPANY or to external areas. In the case of eventual judicial conflicts between the VISITOR and the COMPANY, the court elected for the due action will be that of the district of the COMPANY, even if there is another more privileged one.The VISITOR when using the resources made available on the portal and Big Data Center platform agrees, through these "Terms of Use", with the Confidentiality policy of the COMPANY, the Regulation, the Privacy Policy and is aware that, once registered in the restricted area, he/she will be submitted to the COMPANY's Compliance.
This Term of Use is valid from January 02, 2023.